Chris Cormier | Geeky Goodies

Nov 10, 20171 min

Geeky Goodies Has Been Hacked! And That's a Good Thing!

Hi everyone!

It’s Sherri here. I am Chris’ wife. Tuesday is Chris’ birthday and every year we celebrate with a board gaming marathon and call it ChrisCON.

While I have him distracted with board games, I have hacked Geeky Goodies and all of Chris' social media accounts to give him a big surprise. We want you to celebrate with us.

Join us for a virtual #ChrisCON2017 and have your own board gaming marathon. Share your photos on social media using #ChrisCON2017 and your plays on #WhatDidYouPlayMondays!

FREE SHIPPING for a Limited Time

To celebrate I am offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders!

Use Coupon Code: HACKED2017

This sale will expire when Chris returns to his desk on the morning of Wednesday, November 15th.

I am also sharing some “geeky goodies” about Chris below

Let the games begin!

#ChrisConsale #sale #GeekyShirts #BoardGameTshirts #Tshirts #shirts #boardgametshirts #tshirts #TshirtsforBoardGamers #GeekyGoodiesTshirts #StrategyGameTshirts #AnalogGamerShirts #ChrisCormier #GeekyGoodies #FREEShipping
