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What’s Been Going On - Part 10: I Met Tom Vasel

Writer's picture: Chris Cormier | Geeky GoodiesChris Cormier | Geeky Goodies

WOW! Geeky Goodies has been so busy! To busy to blog, even! I’m sorry that we’ve been neglecting you Bits + Pieces Blog. In an effort to catch up, I thought I would do a series of blog posts about what’s been happening here at Geeky Goodies HQ during the past little while.

Here is a little bit about what we’ve been up to. Watch for more coming soon!

I Met Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower

Not long ago I got to meet Tom Vasel and some of the great guys of The Dice Tower. We heard that Tom Vasel was going to be in Toronto at Snakes and Lattes during a short break from The Gathering of Friends.

Tom Vasel, Chris Cormier, Jason Levine and Zee Garcia at Snakes and Lattes in Toronto

I really admire Tom and have great respect for the work that he does – he’s actually a sort of Board Gaming Hero of mine – and so, I jumped at the chance to meet him and shake his hand!

As it turned out it was a big group of people from The Gathering that had come up here to visit Snakes and Lattes before heading out to a Blue Jays game. So I got to meet and talk with Tom Vasel, Zee Garcia and Jason Levine (unfortunately, Sam Healey didn’t make it up here this time – I’ll have to get to meet him in person some other time).

Zee Garcia and Chris Cormier at Snakes and Lattes in Toronto

I was all fanboy-ish, socially awkward, a little repetitive and a little incoherent, but it was a pretty fantastic day! They are as friendly and nice as they appear in their videos. Truly great guys! I’m so glad that I went – I can now cross this ¾ of this off my list (still have to shake Sam’s hand!).

Jason Levine and Chris Cormier at Snakes and Lattes in Toronto

We talked a little about gaming and Geeky Goodies and Tom agreed to wear some of my shirts on his Dice Tower show. So exciting!!!!!!

I also got to meet a bunch of different people visiting Snakes & Lattes from The Gathering of Friends and got to game with some of them too.

Playing Hamsterrolle at Snakes and Lattes

Subscribe to Tom and The Dice Tower gang on YouTube or visit their site, for more info.

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